It was on the 17th of November 2015 that I wrote this thought with ink and on paper.

I got so tired of Nursing, of my life as a whole. My faith was running out of gas. I saw no value nor purpose in it. In fact, I begged God to take me home. I no longer wanted another day.

One day, mama asked me to assist her in taking pictures in a Medical Mission trip.
Downcast as I was, I didn’t have the heart to go but at the same time, there was that little tug in my heart saying I needed to go and so on I went.

On our way to the mission field, I asked God,

“Lord, hanung imo man jud kong paadtuon? Wa ko kasabot Lord.”

English Translation: “Lord, why are you letting me go there? I don’t understand.”

Medical Mission started and God has given me the grace and the chance to use my profession of choice into practice, NURSING.

Serving God filled me with so much joy, I would fail to explain it.

As the day came to a close and the Medical Mission in that particular place was over, I prayed and asked God again.

“Lord, unsa man jud imong purpose atu?”

English Translation: “Lord, what exactly was your purpose for that?

Then, He answered me saying,

“To remind you why you’re there in the first place.”

Boom! Fireworks! Loud gong! Bang, bang, bang!

Everything is starting to fall into place. It seems that I gave up on life because I was not living THE LIFE. I realized that I have started to live for MYSELF; Study hard, aim for good grades, what to eat, what to wear, how many friends I have but life is God and if life is God then “SELF” has no place in it.

Sadly, this is how life has been for the majority and I hate to break it to you but you’re living a life made by the standards created by people.
Born to go to school, get a diploma, graduate in flying colors, travel the world, settle down, build a family and die only to realize you have never lived at all.

I am not saying that living that kind of life is wrong. It is not wrong to have goals and dreams in life. Such life becomes wrong only when it takes you away from God and His purpose for you. If it pulls away from God, if ot makes you forget Him, if it sucks all the time out of your schedules, if it becomes your sole and top priority in life, that’s when it is wrong.

You see, life is for God and to live it for yourself would not be called LIVING but DYING.

Imagine you were a bird who was obviously meant to fly. One day, one of your fellow birds convinces you that you were meant to swim and so you dive into the depths of the water and enjoy it for a short while, only to find yourself later on gasping for air, slowly dying and realizing too late that those wings were meant to fly. Your life would be a tragic story and maybe even foolish.

Don’t let yours be.

Live as how God designed you to be: For His glory.

Published by Kathia Writes

Online Journal.

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